Source code for mpd_pydb.db

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright © 2015, 2017 Wieland Hoffmann
# License: MIT, see LICENSE for details
from collections import namedtuple
from gzip import open
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join
from sys import version_info

_FORMAT = "format"
_INFO_END = "info_end"
_MPD_VERSION = "mpd_version"
_MTIME = "mtime"
_SONG_BEGIN = "song_begin"
_SONG_END = "song_end"
_TAG = "tag"
_TIME = "Time"

_PY2 = version_info < (3,)

[docs]class Database(object): def __init__(self, format_version, mpd_version, supported_tags, songs=None): """ :param int format_version: :param str mpd_version: :param iterable supported_tags: :param songs: A list of songs in the database :type songs: [namedtuple] :raises ValueError: If the format_version is not supported or mpd_version is None :raises TypeError: If ``supported_tags`` is not iterable """ if (format_version != _SUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION): raise ValueError("Format {version} is not supported". format(version=format_version)) if mpd_version is None: raise ValueError("mpd_version can't be None") #: The database format version self.format_version = format_version #: The version of MPD that created this database self.mpd_version = mpd_version #: A :class:`list` of songs in this database self.songs = songs or [] #: A :class:`list` containing the names of all supported tags self.supported_tags = supported_tags
[docs] def add_song(self, song): """ Add ``song`` to this DB. :param namedtuple song: """ self.songs.append(song)
[docs] @classmethod def read_file(cls, filename, music_dir=None): """ Read the database in ``filename``. :param str filename: The path to the database file :param str music_dir: The path to MPDs music directory """ current_directory = None current_song = None current_song_tags = {} db = None format = 0 mpd_version = None song_type = None tag_names = ["Time", "mtime", "path"] with open(filename, "r") as db_file: for line in db_file.readlines(): split_line = line.decode("utf-8").strip().split(":", 1) key = split_line[0] if key == _INFO_END: db = cls(format, mpd_version, tag_names) class Song(namedtuple("Song", tag_names + ["music_dir_"])): def __fspath__(self): if self.music_dir_ is None: raise NotImplementedError return join(self.music_dir_, str(self.path)) song_type = Song elif key == _DIRECTORY_END: current_directory = current_directory.parent elif key == _SONG_BEGIN: current_song_tags = {tag: None for tag in tag_names} elif key == _SONG_END: current_song = song_type(music_dir_=music_dir, **current_song_tags) db.add_song(current_song) if len(split_line) == 1: # info_begin or info_end continue value = split_line[1].strip() if key == _TAG: tag_names.append(value) elif key == _FORMAT: format = int(value) elif key == _MPD_VERSION: mpd_version = value elif key == _DIRECTORY_BEGIN: current_directory = Path(value) elif key == _SONG_BEGIN: if _PY2: filename = value.encode("utf-8") else: filename = value if current_directory is not None: current_song_tags["path"] = (current_directory / filename) else: # Songs in MPDs music root are not in any directory current_song_tags["path"] = Path(filename) elif key == _TIME: current_song_tags[key] = float(value) elif key == _MTIME: current_song_tags[key] = int(value) elif key in tag_names: current_song_tags[key] = value return db
@staticmethod def _extract(series, index): def extractor(value): if value is None: return value if "/" not in value: if index == 0: return value else: return None return int(value.split("/", 1)[index]) return series.apply(extractor)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """ Convert this database to a pandas DataFrame. In addition to the tags already loaded, the two columns ``TotalDiscs`` and ``TotalTracks`` will be populated with the values from ``Disc`` and ``Track`` tags (ID3 only). The ``Disc`` and ``Track`` tags will no longer contain information about the total amount of discs and tracks after the conversion. :rtype: :class:`~pd:pandas.DataFrame` """ import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.songs, columns=self.supported_tags) return df.assign(Track=self._extract(df["Track"], 0), Disc=self._extract(df["Disc"], 0), # With Python 3.6, the insertion order of new columns # changed: They are now inserted in the order of # **kwargs. Previously, they were inserted in # alphabetical order. Let's keep the order the same # across all Python versions here. This is documented # at # TotalDiscs=self._extract(df["Disc"], 1), TotalTracks=self._extract(df["Track"], 1) )